The sims is also a good example for demonstrating this 《模拟人生》也可以作为这种情况的很好例证。
The sims 2 : university 模拟市民2 :梦幻大学城
Enjoy all the fun and creativity of the sims ? 2 in the sims ? 2 deluxe edition 在模拟人生2豪华版中,你可以享受模拟人生2中的所有乐趣和创造力!
The sims 2 deluxe edition also contains the sims ? 2 nightlife expansion pack and a bonus dvd 模拟人生2豪华版包括了模拟人生2夜生活资料片和一张赠品dvd 。
Those who play the sims are not particularly interested in perfectly optimizing their performance 《模拟人生》的玩家并不会刻意去提高他们游戏的运行速率。
The subject matter of the sims is so familiar and pedestrian that , before it went into production , it was thought by many to be a failure in the making 由于这个游戏的主题是如此的常见和通俗,在发行之初,很多人都认为它是个失败之作。
The sims , ir and raman analysis results show that the tritium permeation barrier ( tpb ) is formed when tic and sio2 films are annealed in hydrogen at about 350 ? 利用二次离子质谱( sims ) 、红外吸收光谱( ir )及激光喇曼光谱( raman )技术,证实了tic和sio2在350左右的氢中退火可形成防氚渗透阻挡层。
" it felt very familiar , " said nasa astronaut dan barry , who was on hand for the opening . " and just like the sims simulators we use to train , it ' s never a perfectly smooth ride . 即将参加开幕式的美国国家航空航天局的宇航员丹巴里说: “感觉太熟悉了,就像我们用来训练的模拟器,没有比这更平稳的设备了。 ”
For people that already own the sims 2 and the sims 2 holiday stuff ( 2005 edition ) - the sims 2 happy holiday mini pack lets you spice up your sims ' holidays with a festive collection of 20 all - new items from around the globe 对于已经拥有模拟人生2原版和2005佳节时刻物品包的玩家,模拟人生22006佳节时刻迷你升级物品包让你拥有全世界特色的20件全新物品来庆祝节日。
The sims showed that the result of the concentration and the abundance ratio of li - 7 and li - 6 in the palladium wire were changed . it implied that the laser triggering on a pd wire with a low gas - loading ratio may have produced the nuclear process 并通过二次离子质谱仪( sims )测出了钯丝中锂- 7和锂- 6的浓度变化和丰度比变化,说明在低充氢率的钯丝中,在小功率激光的触发下有产生核过程的可能。
The Sims is a strategic, life simulation video game series developed by Maxis and later by The Sims Studio, and published by Electronic Arts. It is one of the most successful video games series of all time.